Organization is about people and people are probably the most significant asset of an organization. The structural roles people fulfill, the processes through which they interact and the relationships that they build are key to the success of a company. Thus, getting things right in organization is a top challenge in the agenda of most executives.
In today's business environment, a company's organization should provide for:
However, it is not uncommon for company organizations to incorporate overlapping responsibilities, confusing role definitions, decision difficulties, organizational "silos", fragmented internal relationships, and poor or bureaucratic processes. These constitute organizational barriers to performance and obvious evidence of unnecessary complexity within companies.
The M-Prime portfolio includes a broad range of services in order to address the above organizational challenges and enable our clients to enhance their capabilities and boost their performance:
Organizational model/ designThe organizational model should address fully the requirements and challenges of a company's internal and external environment and should incorporate lessons learnt and best practices of other successful players in the market. Our approach to organizational modeling and design starts with an analysis of international best practices and local market conditions (regulatory, competition, ...). We proceed with a full assessment of our client to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the current organizational model and to understand the main organizational gaps. Subsequently, we develop alternative options for the appropriate organizational model and we assess those against key criteria, such as alignment with overall business strategy and objectives, regulatory compliance, social and political acceptance, flexibility for anticipated future changes, support of roles clarity and employee motivation and associated risks. Taking into account the outcome of the above analysis, the optimal organizational model is selected during joint client-advisor working sessions.
Process redesignWe design processes that make companies work effectively, that drive and support staff in their everyday tasks. Our work emphasizes on ensuring process simplicity and clarity and on establishing consistent measures to evaluate performance. We first define and map the processes that cover the value chain of our client's business in alignment with its overall strategy and objectives. We then identify the gaps to process excellence through benchmarking, suggestions for improvement made by internal and external stakeholders and compliance to legal, regulatory and technological constraints. The next step is to drill down to the causes of the identified gaps and to prioritize remedial solutions in working sessions with the client. Based on the decisions made, we develop the new processes focusing on setting clear and observable performance targets.
Roadmap for changeManaging change effectively requires the development of a robust transformation program, which ensures that the underlying rationale for change is clearly communicated and that everyone in the company understands, accepts and adheres to the rapid implementation of the necessary changes. To achieve such a transformation program, our approach covers the following areas: Ensuring the commitment of leaders to change, defining a clear vision, actions and performance targets, communicating messages consistently, mobilizing stakeholders, tracking progress against performance metrics, and applying lessons learnt to sustain change.
Leveraging on our in depth understanding of various industries and extensive knowledge of value chain issues, we know how to configure organizations, so that all structures, processes and interactions fit well together and contribute to our clients' success stories.