Delivery insights

Innovative offerings to increase revenues

Client Situation

Having been affected by a wider governmental program of budget cuts, our client organization wanted to identify, assess and quantify revenue opportunities in an effort not only to increase its income, but also to develop innovative offerings for its customers. It was the first time that such an organization would opt for charging the provision of selected services to its end customers.

The way to problem solving

Our team worked with the client to identify potential business opportunities across key activity areas, spanning from advertising and retail till the provision of transport services to customers. Opportunities have been assessed in terms of feasibility, fit to the vision and strategy of our client, expected market reach, financial implications, and ease of implementation. By implementing these criteria, less attractive opportunities have been eliminated from the initial long list.

To further explore the revenue potential of the selected opportunities, a series of interviews have been conducted with key industry players for benchmarking purposes. Data collected were introduced in our models in order to size the revenue potential. The selected opportunities have been prioritized and presented to the client's top management within two weeks upon initiation of our assignment.


Business opportunities with a gross revenue potential of approximately €17,5 millions have been identified. For the suggested opportunities portfolio, assumptions, limitations and constraints have been determined, while the high level plan for further pursuing them has been drafted.
